Name: Mayfly
in Baltic Fossil Amber
Insecta; Order Ephemeroptera
Time: Upper Eocene - Lower Oligocene
Size: Amber:
30 mm long, 14 mm across, 1.9 grams
Kaliningrad District, Russia
fossil amber a member of the Order Ephemeroptera or Mayflies, which
are very rare in Baltic amber. The presence of mayflies is indicative
of ponds and rivers in the amber forest. After living as aquatic
nymphs for one to two years, they live as adults only for a few
days, an ephemeral existence indeed. This one is betrayed as a female
by virtue of lack of extended eye towers seen in the males. When
you only have a few days as an adult, finding a member of the opposite
sex to perpetuate the species is of paramount importance; and any
advantage would be a valuable trait. This fine example of a rare
inclusion is found with a biting midge and a worker ant, making
for a fine diverse example of the insects found in the Baltic some
40 million years ago.