Indiana is known for its spectacular crinoid faunal assemblage.
There are more than 60 species of crinoids among more than 40
genera found in the Crawfordsville area. All major groups of
Lower Mississippian crinoids represented: Cladids, Camerates,
Disparids, and Flexibles. What is most noteworthy about the
Crawfordsville crinoids is the size of the calices, with some
approaching and even exceeding 10 cm in length, rendering them
most appealing to collectors. A most appealing characteristic
of this fauna is the amazing diversity of well-preserved specimens
found in exquisite 3-D relief. While the sheer diversity alone
is astonishing, the fact that many complete crowns with attached
stems are found is a further attraction. Nearly half of all
species are known from complete specimens. This Lagerstatt fossil
site makes for a golden opportunity for researchers to formulate
observations about the morphology, ecology, and behavior of
the crinoids of Late Mississippian age.
first crinoid calyx collected from the Crawfordsville, Indiana
area was by 9 year old Horace Hovey in 1842, who was collecting
"encrinites" along the banks of Sugar Creek for sale.
The magnificently-preserved specimens have been sought after
ever since by scholars and collectors alike. While crinoids
are found in a number of locations in the Crawfordsville area,
the most abundant beds are those of Corey's Bluff and along
Indian Creek, both of which are currently thought to be within
the Edwardsville Formation (approximately 340 million years
old). The
Formation is dated as Late Osagean Stage in central and southern
crinoids are found with differing stem lengths, allowing each
to find its own feeding niche in the water column, using its filter-feeding
apparatus to strain the food contained within its target stratum.
Additionally, some crinoids with similar length stems were further
subdivided according to the size prey species targeted. In these
ways, the amazing diversity could be maintained while minimizing
competition between species. Such a method of tiering has subsequently
been found to be an important aspect of many seafloor communities.
conditions in the Crawfordsville area were obviously vary favorable
to the proliferation of crinoids, an environment that had both
shallow water conditions and an influx of silt from a neighboring
delta. The crinoids, living in high densities in their tired habitat
were periodically buried alive by storm-generated slumping or
silt flows. Such tempestites or turbidites must be of sufficient
depth to prevent later re-excavation. Collectors are fortunate
that the resultant siltstone deposits of Crawfordville are sufficiently
soft to allow microabrasive preparation techniques to expose the
crinoids in all their past glory, affording the treasures we see