Permian Amphibian Trackway Fossil from France

Salichnium decessus Amphibian Trackway

Geological Time: Permian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Plate size 150 mm X 220 mm average specimen is 13 - 18 mm

Fossil Site: St Affrique, France

Fossil Code: PFO101

Price: $185.00 - sold

Permian Amphibian TrackwayDescription: This mudstone ichnofossil is from a location in France famous for its amphibian trackways. While it is difficult to definitively ascribe tracks to a specific animal, tracks of this type from the region have been named Salichnium decessus and are believed to have probably been made by Microsaurian Pantylus, a predatory, amphibious reptile.. This plate has four tracks, three of which show the digits. Imagine this creature ambling across a muddy lake side hundreds of millions of years ago.

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