a period of stasis, The Virtual Fossil Museum (VFM) is radiating.
Equilibrium is being punctuated by a plethora of selective pressures,
not the least of which is an eclectic coterie of contributors.
Amateurs and pros, doctors and sanitary engineers have put the
lonely webmaster months behind the content. Natural selection
will also result in metamorphosis of some sections, and evolutionary
convergence of styles in other sections.
constancy will be the ever-growing inventory of fine pictures
of fine fossils that even the makers of this site drool over.
Moreover, based on popular request, actually perpetual prodigious
numbers of requests, the VFM added a large image section during
2005, and will continue to get and add large images whenever possible.
also decided, since we are after all a grass roots and ad hoc
undertaking by an all-volunteer consortium, to let most sections
be available as they are being built, revised, edited and augmented;
this makes the site easier to build and edit, when all can see
it as it evolves.
the last six months of 2005, the VFM had nearly 3000 visits per
day during weekdays, some two-thirds from students from elementary
school, high school, and undergraduate college, as best can be
determined from the server statistics data. The website is integrated
into curricula at many schools. As of early January, 2006, there
were images of more than 400 fossils awaiting addition to the
site; thus, 2006 will be another year of growth for the VFM.
- the Webmaster
a list of the fossil museum contributors:
Takara Kagawa
Paul Kirkland
Mike and Gwynn Shafer
Ben Logan
George Ast
Jake Skabelund
Carl Mink
Eugene Jones
Dan Damrow, paleontologist
Peter Watson
Tong, Ph.D.
Glen and Barb Rockers
Joe Aronson
Jan Roach
John Adamek
Robert Drachuk
Arkadiy Alexandrovich, paleontologist
Mary Lou Browning
Kendall Parks
Rick and Tanya Hebdon
Kong Li, Ph. D.
Hans Zumwald |
Marlene Garo
Sam Gon III, Ph.D.
Richard Kurkewicz
Bill Kephart
Ramblin Ralph Cooper, Geologist
Aponi T.
Sue Cramer
Shirasu Sukaira
Minghua Lu
Dr. Alexei Kouprianov, Entomologist |
Sheehan, Ph.D.
Michael Shippert
Steve Lancelotti
Mark Lancelotti
Dave Comfort
Alf Behrens, Geologist
Fu Mao
Carl Rouse
Robert E. Woodruff, Ph.D., Taxonomist Emeritus