It was but some 50 to 100 thousand years ago that humans acquired
speech. It was only some 13,000 years ago that humans first started
to domesticate plants and animals, a prerequisite to abandonment
of a hunter-gatherer existence. Villages, steel swords, politicians,
kings, churches, priests, and other manifestations of human community
organization soon followed.
when did humans acquire consciousness? Consciousness is a quality
of the mind generally considered to encompass such attributes
as subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience, sapience, and the
ability to perceive the relationship between oneself and one's
environment. It is a subject of considerable research in philosophy,
psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. In terms of evolutionary
biology, we humans are barely out of the Stone Age. Many humans
still seek truth not in the science of the natural world, but
in the supernatural. While the reasons are not completely understood,
one plausible and partial explanation is that many humans are
unable to engage in critical thought because their consciousness
has not yet been sufficiently raised. After all, effort is required,
and humans appear to have to learn critical thinking skills. Critical
thinking consists of the mental processes of analyzing or evaluating
information, particularly statements or propositions that people
have offered as true, in order to reach well founded conclusions
and answers.
famous Yale educator, William Graham Sumner, stated:
thinking is the examination and test of propositions of any
kind which are offered for acceptance, in order to find out
whether they correspond to reality or not. The critical faculty
is a product of education and training. It is a mental habit
and power. It is a prime condition of human welfare that men
and women should be trained in it. It is our only guarantee
against delusion, deception, superstition, and misapprehension
of ourselves and our earthly circumstances.
political and religious systems intentionally hinder critical
thinking. Propaganda is a means of preempting critical thought
by influencing the opinions or behavior of people. Rather than
impartially providing information, propaganda deliberately misleads
using logical fallacies, that while convincing, are invalid. The
Soviet Union and Germany's government under Hitler explicitly
admitted to using propaganda. All religions, and especially cults
and fundamentalism have sophisticated propaganda techniques to
indoctrinate their flocks, and inculcate members in the supernatural;
this is the root of the centuries old conflict between science
and religion. Of all the potential targets for propaganda, children
are the most vulnerable because they are the most developmentally
unprepared for the critical reasoning and contextual comprehension
required to determine whether a message is propaganda or not,
and whether a message is rational or superstitious.
Examination of the recorded human history, the
mere blink of an eye compared with geologic time, reveals a constant
history of humankind’s inhumanity. No other animal within
the tree of life appears as capable of cruelty as do humans. Sadder
still, our brief human history is replete with examples of the
most vile human behavior occurring when a conjunction formed between
government and religion, a reality that was not lost on those
who wrote the U.S. constitution, and particularly the First Amendment
that addresses the rights of freedom of speech, freedom of the
press, the freedom of assembly, freedom of petition, and also
freedom of religion, both in terms of prohibiting the Congressional
establishment of religion and protecting the right to free exercise
of religion.
page has links to pages with words of some critical thinkers that
provide food for thought.