Detailed Carinacathus Ctenacanthid Fossil Fish


Order Ctenacathiformes, Family Ctenacanthidae

Geological Time: Carboniferous

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch) Fish fossil is 90 mm in length on a 120 mm by 100 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Kyzykchul Formation, Nazarovo City, Kraznoyarsk, Western Siberia

Fossil Code: UKF108

Price: $135.00 - sold

Ctenacanthid Fossil FishDescription: The Ctenacanthids are named for Ctenacanthus, a genus erected by Louis Agassiz based upon a distinctive spine whose name means “comb spine”. Note the excellent skin details and spines preserved here. I disagree with the assignment and feel this one is far more likely to be an acanthodian. Regardless of the correct placement, this is a fine example.

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