Bondonella Early Cambrian Redlichiida Trilobite

Bondonella szduyi

Trilobite Order Redlichiida, Suborder Olenellina, Superfamily Fallotaspidoidea, Family Neltneriidae

Geological Time: Lower Cambrian, Atdabanian Stage

Size: Trilobite is 90 mm long, 40 mm across

Fossil Site: Issafen Formation, Issafen, Moroccod

Bondonella szduyiDescription: This trilobite is a member of Order Redlichiida that is named Bondonella szduyi. The Issafen Formation where it occurs in Morocco is dated to be Early Cambrian. It was originally described some 60 years ago when it was placed in genus Neltneria, which was revised in 1993, when it was placed in the new genus Bondonella. There is a second known species Bondonella typica. Bondonella szduyi comes in two forms, one called the narrow form and the other the wide form. It is unclear whether the two forms differ due to compression and or is, in fact, an entirely different species. In either case, Bondonella is a rare trilobite.

Reference: Journal of Paleontology, Vol 69 No 3, May 1995, pp 459-474.

  • Reference: Journal of Paleontology, Vol 69 No 3, May 1995, pp 459-474.

Also see: Moroccan Trilobites; Images provided by Fossil Mall.


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