This is yet another form of stromatolite that is at once beautiful
and has interesting scientific characteristics. Breccia is a geological
term for a sedimentary rock which is composed of numerous angular
fragments. It differs from conglomerate in that it has had little
transport by wind or water, resulting in sharp-cornered component
pieces rather than those that have been rounded by erosion. Brecciated
(angularly broken) signifies that, in fact, the original stromatolitic
structures were shattered into irregular shapes, probably in a
surf, and were then buried under the stromatolite colonies that
grew above. Stromatolites have persisted to the modern day in such
places as Shark Bay, Australia where they continue their billions
of years old lifestyle.
banded iron (basically iron ore) is testament to a process that
began in the Archaean Eon and continued unabated for more than
years. During
this vast stretch of deep geologic time, photosynthetic bacteria
used sunlight and carbon dioxide in their metabolism and respired
oxygen. Estimates vary as to when photosynthetic organisms first
arose, roughly between two and four billion years ago at the extremes.
Regardless, this oxygen produced by photosynthetic prokaryotes
was first used up to rust the earth and seas. Prodigious oxygen
was produced by vast stromatolitic reefs. Sometime probably in
the Paleoproterozoic,
sufficient iron was used up that rusting slowed sufficiently for
atmospheric oxygen levels to build, ultimately
reaching levels triggering a mass extinction of oxygen intolerant
anaerobic prokaryotes (the so called Great
Oxygenation Event) around
2300 million years ago. When
eukaryotes appeared, and endosymbiosis occurred
is also hotly debated (~ 1650 to 2700 million years ago). But when
aerobic life did appear, that life benefited from the high
energy obtained by burning oxygen, enabling evolution to march
forward toward an explosion of diversity just before and after
the base of the Cambrian, i.e., the Cambrian
Images courtesy: John Adamek
see: Precambrian Time Paleobiology |