Name: Palaeoscolex
Nematomorpha (?)
Time: Early Cambrian (~525 million years ago)
Size: 45
mm long (if straight)
Site: Chengjiang Maotianshan Shales, Quiongzhusi Section, Yu’anshan
Member, Heilinpu Formation, Ercaicun Village, Haikou, Kunming County,
Yunnan Province, China
is an example of the nematomorph Paleoscolex sinensis. The species
is known from numerous specimens, many of which have preserved details.
This is a large worm (up to 100 mm) that was once thought to be
an annelid, but more recently was ascribed to either be a nematomorpha
or an uncertain phylum. The intestine is often preserved as a dark
film. While the species is known only from Lower Cambrian locations
in Yunnan Province, a congeric example is found in the slightly
younger Kaili Formation of Guizhou Province, yet another can be
found outside of China as young as the Silurian, it is particularly
well known from the Chengjiang Biota. The fine example preserved
here in exquisite detail makes this a highly unique specimen of
life from 525 million years ago during the cambrian explosion.