Chengjiang Maotianshan Shales is a Konservat lagerstatte in
the Yunning Province of China, also known as the Chengjiang
or the Maotianshan shales, is an extraordinary
fossil site providing the oldest Cambrian
occurrence of diverse and well-preserved soft-bodied metazoan
fossils. While the first unequivocal fossils of multicellular
organisms are from the Ediacaran faunas dating to about 565 million
years ago during the Vendian Period of the Proterozoic, these
are impression ichnofossils of soft-bodied organisms. In contrast,
the Chengjiang Biota
(about 525 to 520 million years ago), like the younger Burgess
Shale fossils in British Columbia, Canada (about 515 million
years ago), were formed by rare circumstances that enabled
of soft body parts. Chengjiang is one of some 40 known Cambrian
localities that exhibit Burgess Shale-like, exquisite preservation
of soft tissues. Among these, due to the remarkable fossil discoveries
beginning in the 1980s, Chengjiang lagerstatte stands alone
providing insights, many in dispute, for understanding of the
paleobiology of multicellular animals in general, and chordates
in particular. Many new discoveries can be anticipated, as well
as revisions to the evolutionary interpretations of past discoveries.
fossils of the Maotianshan Shales and Burgess Shale Fauna
of Field,
British Columbia provide a lens to view the appearance on earth
of all the major phyla in existence today, organisms that
of enigmatic origin, as well as forms that did not persist beyond
the early Cambrian Period. The Chengjiang Biota's diversity
suggests a stable ecosystem occuring
after the Cambrian
Explosion when life's major phyla appeared in what seems
like the blink of the eye compared to preceding four billion
of geological time on earth. Importantly, since Chengjiang includes
all major animal groups found in the Burgess Shale, discoveries
in this laggerstatte imply earlier diversication and/or
diversification over a shorter time interval than can be inferred
from the Burgess Shale. One theory for this change is the fact
that the rising concentration of oxygen, a result of bacterial
and plant photosynthesis
over the eons (also see stromatolites),
allowed for organisms to be larger in size and lead a more active
lifestyle. According to this theory, oxygen finally reached a
concentration where the aerobic machinary, acquired by eukaryotic
cells in the precambrian and contained in the mitochondria through
endosymbiosis, could
provide a much higher energy level. Larger organisms more easily
leave traces in the fossil record. The Cambrian Explosion also
encompasses the evolutionary emergence of hard body parts, thought
by some to be a consequence of the selection pressures brought
about by predation; solid structure support could also lead
increased size. Other mechanisms are theorized to have contributed
to the Cambrian explosion, such as a cooling of the Earth and
an increase in calcium in marine environments. While the Cambrian
Explosion may always be shrouded in some mystery, it is clear
that it represents a profound period for the evolution of life
on Earth, where the basic body plans of the major animal phyla
appear by the fossil record to have been established over a brief
10 million year span. All the major animal phyla that exist
-- about three dozen -- evolved from these early Cambrian fauna.
Shales fossils exhibit impressive
animal diversity, many with their soft-tissue parts preserved.
The faunal distribution spans across annelid worms, arthropods (including trilobites), primitive
chordates, echinoderms, hemichordates, medusiforms,
priapulids worms and sponges,
and many more -- see an up to date list
of Chengjiang Biota here. Of
particular significance are the putative first agnathan fish
(jawless fish). There are also numerous problematic animals,
some of which may have left no descendents, and therefore constitute
failed evolutionary attempts at diversity. As a whole, scientists
have enormous work ahead interpreting the Chengjiang fossil
record, and unraveling the many mysteries in this exquisite
rock record of early Cambrian life.
fossils are found in a 50 meter thick section of mudstone known
as the Maotianshan Shale, named for a
hill in Chengjiang County, Yunnan Province, China in the Qiongzhusi
Section of the Yu'anshan Member of the Heilinpu Formation. Fossils
occur in widely scattered outcrops within thin beds only 1 to
2 cm thick, with the soft parts preserved as aluminosilicate films
where the structure has been infilled by iron-rich clay minerals
or hematite. The fossils are commonly weathered to a reddish color,
possibly as a result of oxidized pyrite, on a distinctive yellow
matrix. Analysis of some specimens has shown an iron content as
high as 43%, a five-to-eightfold increase over the background
level of the matrix.
fossils from the region have been known since the early 1900s,
it was the discovery of the trilobita form Misszhouia
(Naraoia) longicaudata on July 1, 1984 by Hou Xian-guang
that led to the recognition of this exceptional soft-body lagerstatte.
Unlike many fossil deposits, those of Chengjiang and the younger
Burgess Shale show exceptional preservation of nonmineralized
body parts and internal soft tissues, affording us far more information
than could be gleaned from preservation of hard skeletal elements
region that became the Heilinpu Formation was bounded on three
sides by relatively steep mountains, with an opening to the ocean
on the east. Various events of shallowing are evident in strata
above and below that are indicative of both sea-level changes
and tectonic activity. The climate of the region is thought to
have been tropical due to
to the equator. The Chengjiang fauna is believed to have been
mainly benthic (bottom-living), with most taxa living directly
on the soft, level seafloor. Few animals that lived above the
seafloor were preserved, perhaps because they were able to flee
from the periodic storm-induced turbidity flows that are presumed
to have resulted in the preservation seen. Most fossils show evidence
of only short-distance post-mortem transportation. Some sponges
have been preserved flat and current-aligned, indicative of some
transport prior to burial, as is also the case for various burrowing
worms. Some specimens, however, have been found exactly where
they had lived, especially in the case of some lingulid brachiopods
that were found with their shells lying flat and their pedicles
extending into the sediment. Most specimens of all types are preserved
with their flattest surface parallel to the bedding plane of the
Yu'anshan Member extends over tens of thousands of square kilometers
of eastern Yunnan Province, and thus the Chengjiang biota is now
known from various locations within the region. Nonetheless, the
Chengjiang biota retains the name of the location at which it
was first discovered. Some important locations are at Eriacun,
Mafang, Haikou, and Kafuquing. It is at Eriacun that the world's
oldest known vertebrates have been found.
of June 2006, some 185 species of organisms were described in
the scientific literature. Of these, 45% are arthropods and 13
% are enigmatic. Approximately 65% of all fossils preserved are
of exceptional diversity among which the most abundant forms are
small bivalved animals known as bradoriids that had pliable exoskeletons.
Few arthropods from Chengjiang had the hard, mineral-reinforced
exoskeletons as found in trilobites. Rather, Early Cambrian arthropods
mostly had relatively pliable, nonmineralized exoskeletons like
those of insects. Only about 3% of the organisms known from Chengjiang
have hard shells, and most of those are the trilobites. The mud-filled
guts of some arthropods (such as Fuxianhuia
protensa) suggest they fed by swallowing mud to extract the
in situ nutrients. Others, such as the relatively huge
saron were active, free-swimming predators; note that some
researchers place the still enigmatic anomalocarids as distinct
from the Arthropoda. As one of the few hard-shelled members of
the fauna, the trilobites are represented by Eoredlichia,
Kauyangia, Wutingaspis, Palaeolenus, and Yunnanaocephalus.
Examples of all have been found with traces of legs, antennae,
and other soft body parts that are only extremely, rarely observed
in the fossil record.
(Phylum Porifera) are the second most diverse group after the
arthropods with the Desmospongea
(tubular sponges) the dominant type. Leptomitus. Leptomitella,
and Choialla are examples. The Hexactinellids (glass sponges)
are found as well, although they are far more rare. Haliochondrites
and Quadrolaminella are examples of this type. Many sponges have
been found buried where they lived, and so are often found articulated.
worms are represented by numerous specimens from the Chengjiang
biota. The phylum Nematomorpha
has been attributed to the genus Cricocosmia
which has a long proboscis armed with spines. Some scientists
ally it with the Priapulida (priapulid worms), and others with
the paleoscolcid worms, indicative of the fact that the taxonomy
of members of this fauna is still in a state of flux. Other
are Maotianshania and Paleoscolex. The Priapulida are represented
by Paleopriapulites, Acosmia,
and others. The priapulids were a common component of the Cambrian
marine faunas throughout the world.
of the more unusual members of the fauna are the Lobopodians,
creatures that have been commonly termed "velvet worms",
after extant members of worms with
legs (in Phylum Onychophora) that they closely resemble. Their
vermiform bodies bear appendages,
the other
name of "worms with legs". Six genera come from the
of Yunnan Province, making it the richest source of these ancient
Lobopodian fossils. The Chengjiang lobopods are Luolishania,
Hallucigenia (also known from the Burgess Shale), Microdictyon,
and Onychodictyon.
Phylum Chordata
is that to which all vertebrates belong. Several examples are
found within the Chengjiang biota. As the earliest known vertebrate,
the most renowned is Myllokunmingia, which
was only recently discovered in 1999. Some 500 examples are known,
most of which are flattened imprints of lateral aspect. A series
of V-or W-shaped muscle blocks are evident in most specimens,
with a distinct dorsal fin which has traces of ray-like supports.
At the anteroventral end of the trunk there is a set of six or
seven gill pouches containing feathery gill filaments. All of
these features distinguish this taxon as a vertebrate, probably
a primitive agnathid (jawless) fish, one thought to have affinities
with the modern-day hagfish.
taxa are known as well. Allonia is a chancelloriid that was
initially interpreted as a sponge. Other workers believe that
they have their affinity with the tunicates, and still others
with the halkeriids. Batofasciculus looks like nothing more than
a spiky balloon; the nature of this organism is truly an enigma.
Dinomiscus looks much like a typical crinoid, but most researchers
are unsure of its taxonomic placement. One worker allies it with
in the newly-erected class Eldonoidea. Eldonia itself is frequently
seen in the biota, sometimes occurring in associations of several
individuals. It is typically preserved as a flat, discoidal impression.
It was originally described as a medusiod named Stellostomites,
but Simon Conway Morris considered it to be a species of Eldonia,
a well-known component of the Burgess Shale. The medusoid shape
suggests that Eldonia was pelagic; other researchers have argued
for an entirely different existence, considering the eldonioids
to be benthic, lying passively on the surface of the seafloor.
are an enigmatic group that some scientists place in their own
phylum (Phylum Vetulicolia). They are thought to have been swimmers
that either were filter feeders or detritivores. Originally described
as crustacean arthropods, Shu (2001) later erected the Vetulicola
as a new phylum of primitive deuterostomes.
Another researcher places them with the Urochordates based on
putative affinity with the Phylum
Chordata. At present, there is no agreement as to their systematic
(2006) recently described an Ediacaran-vendiobont-like animal,
Stromatoveris psygmoglena, gen. sp.nov., with features reminiscent
of ctenophores which resemble jellyfish (radiate), but other characteristics
suggestive of Bilaterans (Triploblasts with bilateral symmetry).
Stromatoveris is a putative missing link between Ediacaran fronds
and Cambrian ctenophores.
Chengjiang Biota is an incredible lagerstatte by all measures,
including the enormous diversity and early appearance in the fossil
record, and also the exquisite degree of detail of the preservation
of its specimens. It affords us a unique opportunity to learn
about these wonderful creatures so near the initial radiation
of life to the forms of today known as the Cambrian
Explosion. This amazing diversity was hailed throughout the
world as one of the most important fossil finds of the 20th Century.
Because of its unique value to science, the Chengjiang lagerstatte
was placed on China's first list of A-class national geological
parks in 2001. Chengjiang County has plans to apply for a World
Natural Heritage designation for its deposits. Chengjiang is an
underdeveloped county having rich phosphate deposits that are
found both above and below the formation holding the lagerstatte.
They have been exploited in part through efforts that began at
about the same time that Hou Xian-guang discovered the deposits
that bear these exceptional fossils, with phosphate mining bringing
in some 2/3 of the county's revenue in 2003. Efforts are underway
to close the region to mining to support the county's efforts
to attain Heritage Status. A consequence of this has been renewed
mining efforts in the region which threaten the fossil-bearing
strata due to erosion, slumping of overburden, and simple destruction
by the mining efforts. Chengjiang County faces the dilemma between
calls for preservation of the treasure trove of early Cambrian
fossils to which it is steward and the economic reliance it has
on the phosphate industry. It is hoped that a balance between
exploitation and restoration of the land can be achieved while
there is still time.